Instagram Live: The Founder Chat featuring Miki Talebi of oomé

Join Caitlyn LIVE on Instagram @thishealthycaitlyn for her latest Founder Chat, featuring the Founder & CEO of oomé, Miki Talebi! About Miki: Miki completed her PhD in social psychology and, prior to launching oomé, was Manager of Public Policy at the Canadian Mental Health Association. After having her second child, Miki took an extended maternity leave to […]

Women’s Health: The Impacts of Low Iron

Do you have hair loss, fatigue, mood swings, brittle fingernails, sleep problems, or heavy periods? Women are at greatest risk of iron deficiency and may not even know they have low iron. Join Caitlyn Vanderhaeghe for this FREE webinar to learn about: The role and importance of iron Risk factors and the signs & symptoms […]